Why remote work is a scam that you shouldn't fall for
Over the past few years and especially since covid, there's been a massive push towards fully remote work cultures, especially among startups. As a founder, I'm here to tell you: it's a scam. The idea that remote work leads to increased productivity is a myth, often perpetuated by the same people who brag about taking midday naps or joining calls from bed. Let's be real - it just doesn't work.
The Power of Routine
Having a solid routine is incredibly valuable. Waking up, getting dressed, and working from a location that isn't your home - even if it's just a coffee shop - sets the tone for a more productive day. We're social creatures by nature, and we derive energy from being around others. This energy is fuel for innovation, creativity, and genuine productivity - which are often lost in fully remote environments.
Face-to-face collaboration is huge. When you're in the same physical space as your team, you can develop deeper relationships.
You go out to lunch together, learn about each other's lives, preferences, and work tendencies. These interactions build trust and understanding that simply can't be replicated through a screen. This level of rapport leads to better teamwork, more efficient problem-solving, and ultimately, a stronger company culture. It's going to get hard at times, and having strong relationships alone can be an advantage over competition and be a big contributor to getting through the hard times together.
Productivity == success, and remote work statistically leads to lower levels of productivity. While some individuals might claim to thrive in a remote setting, the overall trend shows a decline in output and efficiency.
When you're building something massive, every advantage matters. If your competitors are all remote, having a team that interacts face-to-face on a regular basis can give you a significant edge.
When you're in the trenches, working on a startup that could create significant impact, you need every advantage you can get. Being able to quickly huddle with your team, sketch out ideas on a whiteboard, or have impromptu brainstorming sessions is invaluable. These moments of spontaneous collaboration often lead to breakthroughs that wouldn't happen in a scheduled Zoom call.
It doesn't necessarily have to be every day, but I genuinely believe teams should work in person as much as possible. The energy, the creativity, and the sense of shared purpose that comes from being in the same space is unmatched.
Show Up To Win
Here's my philosophy: surround yourself with high-caliber people and show up in a high-caliber way. Work in person. Push each other to be better. Create an environment where excellence is the norm, not the exception. This is incredibly difficult to achieve in a remote setting where it's all too easy to disengage or become complacent.
Remote work might be trendy, but it's not the path to building truly great companies.
It's a shortcut that sacrifices long-term success for short-term convenience. If you're serious about creating something impactful, about pushing the boundaries of what's possible, then you need to be willing to show up - physically.
Don't fall for the remote work scam. Build a culture of in-person collaboration, foster real relationships, and watch your productivity soar. Your future self, and your successful company, will thank you.